Welcome to
2 act ministries

Who we are and what we do

2 Act Ministries is a Christian 501 C (3) with the mission to spread the love and gospel of Jesus, provide essentials and give our homeless friends a hand up to get off the street.
This is done by providing information about Christian recovery programs, sober and transitional living options, rental and deposit assistance and tickets home for people currently homeless.
It began with 5 people, 30 pairs of socks, and a loaf of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Since that time, it has expanded to regularly providing essentials such as water, food, hygiene supplies, care packages and socks. Summer seasonal supplies include sunscreen, electrolytes and cool water. Winter supplies include stocking caps, mittens, scarves, coats and blankets.
At every outreach the team shares personal testimonies, gives the Gospel of Christ, offers resources, prays for people and hands out Bibles and Daily Breads.
Monthly outreach activities include: Hope Chapel 2-3 times a month, monthly park outreach, a mobile outreach, street outreach, Rodeway shelter, and every 3 months a pop-up outreach at the shelter for homeless families.
2 Act Ministries has developed an affordable Christian transitional housing option to meet essential needs and provide a safe and clean Christian enviroment.
While there, residents will be provided with resources to become
self-sustaining & learn life skills.
The house is called Grace Haven, go to the housing page for more information.
2 act ministries mission videos

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:16-17
Any Donation, regardless of size is greatly appreciated.
2 Act Ministries is 100% volunteer based, no paid salaries.
Every dime goes to assist the homeless to provide the Gospel, care packages, food, Bibles, resources & housing options
304 South Jones Blvd. Suite 1855